Will Donaldson Face

Kia ora, I'm Will Donaldson, a UI/UX Designer.

I have a passionate and robust background in crafting customer centric and highly functional user interfaces and designs.
About Me

Will Donaldson

I am the Lead UI/UX Designer of Psoda, an online SaaS company, and have been in this role for the last five years. My responsibilities have also extended beyond UI/UX design to include front-end development, graphic design, video animation, and marketing.

Throughout my time with Psoda, I have discovered a deep passion for UI/UX. Collaborating with clients, whom are our end users, to design and implement solutions has been incredibly fulfilling, motivating me to seek further opportunities in UI/UX.

I designed and developed this website to present my portfolio of work from over the years.

I would love to do some amazing work with you (whether that be professional or personal) so please get in touch: [email protected]

View CV (PDF)
Bachelor of Design Innovation
Victoria University of Wellington
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UX Design Professional Certificate
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Technical Skills